Healers and alternative Help

Brain Fog

7 May, 2024

Brain fog
Picture curtesy of Dominika Roseclay
Brain Fog & Menopause
Hello, my name is Louise, I’d like to share my experience of Brain fog and menopause. I first started to experience peri menopause at around the age of 46. Starting with lack of energy and erratic cycles. I would have short periods of tiredness which forced me to rest, something I’d always found hard to do.
My cycle then ceased and my energy levels became worse, I had gone into post menopause. I had no motivation to exercise or clean or go shopping, I had to literally force myself to do these things. The brain fog also came at this stage and that was very uncomfortable for me, I was becoming forgetful and it made me feel ashamed until I learnt it was a menopause symptom and lots of women experience the same. It got to the point that I had to leave work as my body couldn’t cope with my busy job and my brain felt drained.
When I left my job, February last year, I felt a great sense of relief and freedom. I took up a cleaning job for an elderly man and I loved it, and helped my daughter with her sewing business, not many hours but it kept me going. Come November I felt the brain fog worsened when I was creating patterns for my daughter.  I couldn’t take in the numbers I needed to measure and kept having to reread but it wouldn’t go in.  I cried and realised just how much that I needed the rest from a full time busy office job.
One day my husband bought me liquid iodine and vitamin c tablets to put in water to drink. I don’t know if this helped along with my healthy change of diet, but since taking this my energy started to return and my brain fog cleared.
I’m not suggesting anyone should take iodine and vitamin c, however, a good diet and exercise is beneficial.
I still have some days when I feel I need to rest, however, I’ve gone from no motivation to clean my house to not only cleaning my own home but now but other peoples too.  I am also going into partnership in business with my daughter so there is light at the end of the menopause journey and during it I was given the gift of being able to rest and still myself more, (some are not that lucky). This in turn helped me recognise my feelings and emotions and make clear decisions.
If anyone would like to discuss anything on this topic I’ll be at the next Life Balance healing day on Saturday 20th July 10am-1.30pm at Crosby library. I will also be offering a friendly ear to listen and healing treatments for any in need.  See you there!

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