Healers and alternative Help

My Bright Shining Star

19 August, 2024

Those of our readers who regularly follow Fatima on Instagram will know that Fatima has released a Children’s book.  Her book is called,  My Bright Shining Star.

This is a story based on my own experience in the care system, where the love and kindness shown to me by carer Aunty Rae helped me feel safe and strong whatever the circumstances. She was my bright shining star in the darkness. She taught me that with love, kindness and support – anything is possible – and it’s a feeling all children and families should experience“.
“I hope that this book will help young children and bring some positivity to those in similar situations. 
I consider myself to be fortunate in that I had the kindness and support of Aunty Rae in the home, which then continued with the love and compassion of Mrs Whitbread who adopted me.  I hope that this story gives children in care a glimmer of hope and continues to raise awareness for children in care”.
This insight from Fatima show us how important her campaign is personally but more so, the importance of having positive and kind people around our young people and children.  A little bit of love goes a long way and with love and support, regardless of where we started we can all achieve our goals.  Who better to help and support those children than by those who have walked in their shoes and understand the problems and challenges that they face?
Copies of Fatima’s book can be pre-ordered from the following link. https://bit.ly/4eOVIpX. All proceeds go towards helping those children in need.
You can follow Fatima on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fatima.whitbread/
If you wish to get involved, support or help Fatima, you can find out more information using the following link.
Please do not forget that our “Healing Days” are there also to support families, carers, care givers, foster parents, children.  If any are struggling, exhausted or feel overwhelmed.  Then come and speak with us.  There is no charge for what we do. To find out more on what we do and offer, click on the link: Healing Days.

Everyone needs someone to look out for them.  Who is your Bright Shining Star?

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