
What does Well-Being mean to you?

10 August, 2020

What does Well-Being mean to you

If we look on the internet there are various understanding of well-being, from work and family to mental health.  This being said at different times in our life it can flip and change be it peace but at the same time can cause us upheaval by lack of it.

For us it is about balance and being in a place that we are happy, contented and comfortable with our lot.

  • What about if I have had a tough time
  • Stress
  • Lost a loved one
  • Suffering from addiction
  • Ill or accident
  • Mental health problems
  • Post-natal depression
  • Hormones
  • Debt
  • Lack of contentment or self-worth

The list can go on and on but there will be times in lives our well-being will come and go, be happy or sad, there may be lack of it, we many be in a situation that is out of our control.  Sometimes we do not know how to help ourselves and some can put themselves last. Looking after YOU never seems important, but you can’t keep giving from an empty cup.

But you are important and sometimes we just need to take a little bit ourselves.  These pages are designed so that we may find some inspiration, that one little thing that helps us make the changes we all need, or to take time out to fill our own cup.

Well being is different for all, what troubles me may not trouble you, our situations are different, but all equally important, if we can learn to find peace for even a few moments a day then we can make changes but a lot of us need help getting there.

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