Healers and alternative Help

Are you Deaf or Hearing?

21 November, 2023

Whole New World

Novembers Article – Sign with Alan


Are you Deaf or Hearing?


Hearing loss and deafness is something that affects millions of people of all ages and can happen any time from birth to later in life. It can be very distressing, for example if  you have had good hearing all your life and suddenly become aware things are not quite the same, you may start to miss bits of conversation, maybe it’s like the volume has been turned down and it’s a strain or maybe feel like you’re water. Be assured that you are not alone, millions are in the same situation and there is help out there. Going to your local GP is the first step and there are lots of support groups in all areas.


Some are born Deaf and for them it’s a way of life they are aware of their deafness and learn ways to manage. Though an interesting fact is not everyone who is Deaf uses sign language and for many, particularly if born into a family where everyone else is hearing there is a good chance their communication method is lip reading. If a person is born into a family with deaf roots; it is highly likely they will sign.


I won’t elaborate too much about all the different scenarios or probabilities. I would like to raise awareness mostly about levels of deafness. Please see the short video below which demonstrates the 5 levels of hearing to profound deafness and what they can be like:




My recommendations when being with anyone whom is deafened, hard of hearing or is Deaf is to be patient, be prepared to write things down or use notes on a mobile phone, speak normally, do not shout, try to think how it must be for the person affected and how you would like to be treated in the same situation, give your undivided attention, always face who your talking to, be prepared to repeat, reword or simplify what’s been said and most important; don’t give up.


The signs for this month are:


  1. Deaf

  2. Hearing

  3. Hard of hearing


Please see the attached video:



As always for all those new to sign language and want to learn. I recommend the best place to start is the alphabet. There are lots of videos relating to the BSL alphabet on you tube. This video I feel is one of the best:



Have fun. See you soon.




The next Day of Healing is on January 6th at Crosby Library 10-2pm. I will be there to help out, guide people to the right services. Also, if anyone wishes to learn a little sign language, I will be happy to get you started.


All help given on the day is free of charge. Pop in for a cuppa and piece of cake.


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