August food – Reiki Rach
As you may or may not know I LOVE food. It’s actually a passion of mine. From seed to plate I am amazed by it.
I know this may sound a little strange as food after all is just fuel for our bodies, but just like other members of my family I find it fascinating. The different flavours, textures, colours etc you can create when putting a dish together. The whole process brings me joy.
Many of my friends and family think I’m a total food snob because I am so particular about where I purchase food and I only buy organic produce.
I know this may sound a bit extravagant especially with the way the world is at the moment (prices of produce soaring) but it is very important to me.
So much so that I have started growing my own food so I can be certain the food hasn’t been sprayed and it’s a lot more cost effective. It’s also nice to grow and eat with the seasons.
Non organic produce is sprayed with toxic pesticides that we ingest when eating the food and it is not only poisoning our bodies and spirit but altering the food we are consuming.
The purer and cleaner your food the higher vibration it holds. Heavily processed foods hold a very low vibration and you are literally ingesting that vibration.
To keep ourselves at a healthy vibration we need to make sure we are paying close attention to the food we are putting into our bodies.
Here are a few tips and tricks I use to try and keep costs as low as possible and still be able to use organic produce.
August food – Reiki Rach
1. Start growing at home – this doesn’t need to be anything extravagant. You don’t need a huge allotment to be able to grow your own food. I have grown tomatoes, peppers, chillies, sweetcorn, potatoes and beans all in pots and small troughs. I even salvaged an old pallet and lined it, filled it with compost and this year my beans and tomatoes are in it. It doesn’t need to be pretty it just needs to be functional.
2. Do your shopping towards the end of the day and head straight to the discount shelf. There are always organic bargains to be had.
3. If something has a short shelf life or needs using up ASAP batch cook and freeze. The freezer is your best friend believe me! You can freeze vegetables and fruit raw so if you get a good organic bargain get home and pop it straight in the freezer for use later on.
4. I realise that not all produce is organic but when purchasing non organic products make sure you read the labels. My rule is if there are more than 3 chemical ingredients it’s probably not great for you.
5. If you do purchase non organic fruit and vegetables make sure you wash them properly because tap water will not remove the pesticides! You can use a mixture of water and organic apple cider vinegar to clean your veg. Leave them to soak in the mixture about 20 minutes before rinsing and using.
6. Finally make yourself aware of the dirty dozen. These are the foods that are the highest sprayed so if you do want to purchase these please make sure they are organic.
My hope for you this August is that you find joy in your garden however big or small there is always room for a few flowers and a couple of herbs and veggies.
Peace, Love & Harmony
Reiki Rach
Our next day of healing is at Crosby Library on Saturday the 23rd of September 10-2pm. If you have any questions then come and speak with us.