Picture courtesy of Abdullah Ghatasheh
Hello Dear Readers,
And welcome to this month’s article
Death, Dying and Near Death Experiences. Ask Maureen. As we leave the Summer behind us we prepare for Autumn and all the good things that this season brings. Harvesting is well under way. The apple orchards are now shedding their fruit. And the nesting season is almost over for our feathered friends.
Its a joy to live in the countryside. We get to see the seasons change,
Farmers hurriedly bring in their crops, ready to sow potatoes and vegetables for our winter table. We have pumpkin farms, and its a joy to see families with eager faced children ready to choose the biggest plumpest pumpkin that they can find ready to hollow out for Halloween. All Hallows is its true name. The true meaning being, the souls who have passed. Followed by All Saints Day. Those souls who have departed, and whom we bring to mind.
Death and dying the last taboo.
Death is such a frightening thing for most people. Its something that happens to someone else, a loved one. Family friend, or relative. Or when someone’s life is tragically snuffed out by another. We hardly ever think about it for ourselves neither do we prepare for it. Interesting in a way to think that we will plan for a family holiday for weeks and months, choosing the best resort, hotel, and amenities. The same can be said for our celebrations and traditions. Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, the list goes on. But how much time do we give to think about death and dying?
Or ask the question “What lies beyond this mortal coil?”
I have written about my beliefs that we are spirit having a human experience, not a human with a spirit. Yet how much thought do we give to the spirit life, spirit world, the world that is hidden from our view. What do we know exactly, save for those few people who have been blessed with clear sight known as clairvoyance. Or can hear our spirit friends, clairaudience, we all have clairsentience, clear feeling a sensing that tells us that all is not well, or when someone is about to telephone us, or when we have a strong feeling someone is in danger. Or when we have a feeling of foreboding.
How many times have you heard folk say about buying a house, or apartment. It had a lovely feeling about it! Well that is our clairsentience, at work a knowing. Yet we fail to explore this we just accept it.
I used to be one such person.
Then things changed for me. I acknowledged that I knew things, beyond my general knowledge. I sensed things and felt things more acutely than others.
This sensing stood me in good stead. It served me to differentiate between truth and falsehood. I sensed when someone was lying to me. Or trying to pull the wool over my eyes. I also sensed when a soul was good and kind by the feeling I would get in my solar plexus, or the opposite. The second brain.
I have been asked to write again about Near Death Experiences, a subject close to my heart. Why? Because it has given me much insight ,and confirmed my belief that my consciousness and personality all carry on in Spirit. Once this mortal coil called body and Maureen has passed on.
Early on in my search for truth, having left the church I had been attending for several years, my faith in God was in tact just the way God was presented and the male view of what is right, and wrong, through Culture, left me disillusioned.
My search took me down interesting avenues, religions, traditions, and cultures.
My innate spiritual search for Truth was paramount.
I had visited spiritual churches and found them wanting. And continued my sojourn in a spiritual desert at times. I read books and came across Louise Hay. And several other authors who I resonated with.
Next came a podcast that I listened to by Dannion Brinkley author of “Saved by the Light” This podcast had me wanting to know more about death and near death experiences. Dannion died, when he was struck down by a lightening bolt whilst on the telephone to his friend. He was rushed to hospital with horrific burns and internal injuries only to die on arrival. His encounter of leaving his body, and watching the medical staff struggling to save him, intrigued me. He went on to describe a spirit being who took him into the spiritual realms.
There he encountered other spiritual beings. He had a life review and found that every action had a consequence and many of his actions had caused suffering to those around him. He described himself as a trouble maker, a bully, not a very nice fellow. Only in this life review he got to feel what it was like to be kicked and bullied, to feel the hurt pain that he had inflicted upon others.
He was in his words ‘ashamed.’ But the spirit beings that were with him instead of condemning him, showed him only love.
He was also shown the consequences of when he had been kind and generous, and this gave him such a feeling of happiness and bliss. On his return, He was given a task to do and sent back to the earth realm. The words he was given were, “who we are is the difference that God makes, and that difference is Love.
He was also told by the being of light who was guiding him that;
“Human beings are powerful, spiritual beings, meant to spread goodness on the earth. This goodness is accompanied by singular acts of kindness between people. It is the little things that count, because they are spontaneous, and show who you truly are. “
If you would like to read his book, or watch the movie “Saved by the light”, you can see read for yourself the whole of his story.
Another Author who I felt spoke to me was lovely Anita Moorjani.
In her book “Dying to be me”
She was helped by that much loved author Dr Wayne Dwyer to write the book.
Anita’s story is powerful and moving. Anita had lymphoma /cancer.
Her organs were failing and she weighed just four stone. She was hospitalised and doctors had prepared her husband and family telling them that she would die soon.. She was not expected to last the night.
Anita had a Near Death Experience. She left her body and travelled to the spirit realms where she met her best friend and father. She also was shown how her life-style, life cycle, and choices, from her early childhood years, of bullying, and the abusive relationships, in later life had impacted on her. Anita had tolerated, the bullying abusive behaviour because of her culture, and now all that resentment and fear had taken its toll on her health.
Anita had her epiphany in the heavenly realms. She was told like Dannion, how much she was loved, loved and valued unconditionally, and how magnificent she was, as we all are, the spirit assured her. Her life review showed how she made herself small and insignificant, as her culture demanded so that the man could be bigger stronger and better than her. In her younger years Anita fled an arranged marriage. Bearing the grief and shame she had brought upon her parents. Who throughout this stood by their daughter.
But the grief of bringing shame on her parents continued to plague her. All this just added in the development of the cancer.
After this revelation she was ready to return though reluctantly. She returned, with a strong renewed spirit of self love, the spirit world had told her that she could do no wrong. That her only work is to” love yourself and to embody this truth of self love, So that you can be love in Action. That is True service to yourself and to those around you.”
Please listen to her podcasts. They are most uplifting.
My next NDE story if about Eben Alexander, a well-known loved neuron-surgeon. His Book is entitled “Proof of Heaven” He had complained to his wife he was not feeling too well one Monday morning. Only to think he had the flu. Instead he had contracted a viscous virus strain called E-Coli.
He was rushed to the Emergency room. When after extensive tests, a lumber puncture was carried out at the base of his spine. You will usually get a clear substance then retracting the needle. However, when the needle was retracted a green spurge of liquid spurted from the hypodermic. His brain and body was dying from this virus.
It was attacking his brain and vital organs.
After the medics managed to insert a drip of anti biotic into his body, Eben was taken into intensive the care ward where he was put onto a ventilator as had slipped into a coma.
Once he left his body he found himself in a dark place of what can only be described as thick black goo. He has no recollection of events leading up to his coma state. And depends on the account of others to “fill in the blanks”. He was told at a later date that just before he slipped into the coma he shouted three words. !God help me.” And then silence. Eben describes in this limbo state, he was aware that he was thinking he realised that he was alert alive, although unaware that he was a male, a doctor, he had no recollection or memory of his life family or career.
He later goes onto describe his journey into spirit the realms and the spirit beings that he encountered who all communicated through thought. He did not have a life review, like Dannion and Anita, but learnt some truths about other universes, places of great beauty, peoples, places of learning. Exquisite buildings, and parks, rivers and mountain rangers.
Eban, has recorded several podcasts where he tells of his experiences in the spirit realm with ease and eloquence.
Eban’s book is a fascinating read too.
Dear Readers science now has the proof that life exists after death
These three pioneers into the spirit realm all had something in common they all returned to tell of their experiences. They all brought the good news that we are spirit. That we are loved unconditionally. That whilst on earth we experience duality. Light and dark, good and bad, happy and sad. We have these experiences on the earth plane as in spirit all is love. And only here on the earth plane can we experience duality. There is much more also to why we are here. And that is for another time.
All these lovely people have given their message of immense love, God has for us. How much we matter to him/her. That we are here to love ourselves, and to have joy in our lives., to live fearlessly. That is true service. For if we can truly love ourselves unconditionally, then we can love others, and end fear of others. Imagine no jealousy, no mistrust, no violence, that would be heaven on earth. All the near death experiences are medically documented in as much as they died, or were not expected to survive the night. Eban’s extensive research into his own Near Death Experience and extensive knowledge as a nuero- surgeon prove that his NDE was authentic.
He was proof that consciousness continues after corporal death, and we continue to grow and learn in truth once we have crossed over into the spiritual realms.
And this is the greatest, good, news for humanity. To end fear of death and dying.
Incidentally, all those thousands of people who have returned from a near death experience, say they have no fear at all of dying as they KNOW WHERE THEY’RE GOING BACK TO.
I hope that you have enjoyed this article. If so please share this with a friend, or someone who you think might benefit from reading it.
Incidentally Dannion Brinkley volunteers in a Hospice for those close to the end of their earthly lives, and states that folk just pass peacefully into their next life after he has shared his experiences of his NDE with them,
As always dear friends be kind to one another and remember a problem shared is a problem halved. Until next time take care.
Maureen x x
Our next Day of Healing is on Saturday the 2nd of November, 10am-1.30pm at Crosby library. If there is anything regarding this article that you may like to know more about then pop in and see me or the team. There is always free refreshments and home made cake. There is no charge for any help given on the day. We do accept donations if offered. If you wish to know more about what we do then please click the links below.