Keys to the Kingdom
The Doorway to Light
Overcoming death part 4
The keys to the kingdom may sound very biblical. It may well be but if we look at words in a different way, it tells a different story. We can change the word kingdom to heaven, peace, happiness, harmony, unity or yoga to name a few. All of which are in the kingdom. For our yoga practitioners if we replace the word Kingdom with the word Samadhi then we will understand another way.
In many cases unless we develop, change or become En-Lightened we will never see or more importantly feel the connections. We may never fully unlock the true meanings.
If we look at the meaning of the word key, again it changes the statement.
Having the right key is principle in finding the kingdom, samadhi, peace, contentment, happiness. It is crucial in becoming pain free. The principle here is to become En-lightened or as we have begun to discuss in previous articles,
Find your light within.
The light within is the real key, you are the key. We all have the ability not only to reach the kingdom but to enter. The light we each carry ensures this. However, we do not need to wait for death to achieve this. As Yeshua taught
The Kingdom is now. We can have Peace now.
It matters not the colour of our skin, our beliefs, our cultures, if we go to a place or worship or not. We can all create heaven on earth, we can change our reality, our situations, we can overcome the chaos in this world. The trouble, the torment, the pain, and suffering.
It doesn’t have to be this way, what many of us seek is already here, it is in our midst, our centre,
It is within.
Many of us look externally for solutions, strength and happiness. The healing antidote is within. IT IS LIGHT. We are all spiritual beings, beings of light. The place that we all come from and will return to.
*Keys to the Kingdom*
There are many around us who suffer, who are at the bottom of the pot. We may be the ones suffering. We may be in so much pain, every moment on this planet is excruciating, be it physical, mental or emotional. There are those whose lives have been destroyed by suicide of a family member or innocent children being taken in the cruellest of ways.
We only have to turn on the television to see this.
For those affected, hurt and destroyed by these acts. We only remember and feel the suffering our loved ones went through. The facts that we could not protect them, save them, prevent the pain and hurt they endured. Love being replaced with anger, hurt, torment, separation and guilt.
There are also those involved in accidents, those who left home never to return. There are families that are broken where children suffer, how do we ease their pain, their loss. Truth is those that are suffering are so close, they are closer to the kingdom than they may realise. The light waits to console, to improve and ease our situations.
Peace is close, the light is close.
When we are in pain there is a doorway that opens to us. It is the doorway to the kingdom, peace, harmony, contentment, happiness, patience. Our light within wishes to connect to the light without. It wishes to take our burdens, the light within wishes to ease pain and sooth painful emotions and feelings. It wants us to know our loved ones are at peace, it wishes to share their peace with you.
We will be comforted.
This is not voices or external communications it is a deep knowing, an understanding that allows us to live our remaining time in a better condition. The light within once felt changes us, it improves our lives, we know and feel that we are only separated for a short time.
The pain will diminish but our love will grow, tormenting and torturing thoughts, pictures and memories will lose power. They will drift away. The love of our heavenly father and mother, their light will strengthen and uphold us. They will take away our pain. Our father gives us courage and our mother, the wisdom to understand, both remove fear.
*Keys to the Kingdom*
When we find our light within, we think differently, better. Separation becomes patience, anger becomes love and reunion, yoga, unity becomes inevitable.
Our position becomes pain free; our poses have improved, our thoughts have been replaced. Our vibration has raised. Our vibration has become light. Our hearts have been re-paired, mended.

Picture courtesy of Mo Eid
As the nature of light is light, we become light, we become unclouded, glowing, clear and radiant. We have overcome the physical by finding the kingdom. We have used our key, note, pitch, vibration, light.
To find the light of peace, of union or reunion, it is very simple. We must learn to change our tone. Look for the light, you will find it. You are the key to the kingdom. Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful light. No words, no messages, just keep focusing on it until you feel its warmth, its peace. A few minutes each day. What you find is yours to keep.
We wish you all unity with your spirits.
Our next Healing Day is on Saturday the 2nd of November 10am-1.30pm at Crosby library. For those who have lost their words, their light, their direction. Come and have a cup of tea, a piece of cake. Nothing needs to be said if you wish but you will be helped. Everything we do is free of charge on the day. We do accept donations if offered. There are those there who will help you regardless of where you find yourself. For more information see the links below.