Louie returned home November 23, our big friendly neighbourhood cat.
Losing a pet is a very difficult thing for many. This article is written with the intention to console those who have lost pets, pets which are not pets, that are family, loved ones, cherished and adored.
Our pets, our companions our loyal friends are not dead, they have just gone a little way ahead. Just like us, our little animal friends also return to spirit, but their path is different.
All animals when they pass, return to what is known as the group soul of their species. Everything that each individual creature has experienced is brought back to the group soul which then helps the species develop, learn and evolve.
There is no suffering here, no pain, our dear friends are completely happy. However, there is an aspect which does change everything for them, it is,

Bertie, loyal, faithful companion returned home 20th of May 24.
Silver Birch the great spiritual teacher explains how human kind and animals can help each other develop spiritually. When any animal be it, domestic, wild or cattle, once their soul has been touched by love then how they evolve changes. All animals return to spirit, the group soul or spirit pool. When a human has interactions and cared for wild animals it helps them advance more that they would without human associations.
Losing a pet

Diesel returned home 6th of May 23, friendly and loved, stroked by all she met! Called Jemima by joseph who stroked her daily on his way to school.
What we would like to reassure all of our readers is that we will all be reunited in time. Our beloved pets are very happy and contented. They have the most wonderful spirit carers looking after them. We simply know this place as the animal kingdom but many refer to it as the rainbow bridge.
When us as humans return home we will see the light or the white bridge, our pets however will see the kingdom or rainbow bridge. Whatever the circumstance of our pets return, they have returned to their true form, spirit, beautiful, vibrant. Any injustice or suffering, pain or hurt is gone.
Love is a two-way street. As we still send our missed friends love, rest assured that it is being sent straight back with wagging tails and happy purring.
For those who like to see what the animal kingdom or rainbow bridge looks like. There is a picture called Supreme Sanctuary this is the closest we may get to seeing where our pets go without psychic vision ( the picture carries its own story). All animals are taken care of, loved and content. They feel our thoughts, the love we send is sent back, so much the power, when love has touched a soul.

Ollie returned home May 24, the old boy, young once more.
Love and affection allows our pets to develop in a way which is unique, an individuality that cannot be lost. As much as we miss our friends, they truly are well looked after. For those of our readers who worry about their pets in spirit, there will be someone assigned to take care of them, love them and play with them to their owners return. It may even be the other way where someone is in need of companionship that our pets bring.
Upon our return home they will be there to greet us.
For those of our readers who are mourning the loss of a pet we would like to share with you a little book. The book is called. Animals in the Spirit World by Harold Sharp. Harold who had a very strong psychic ability and a genuine animal lover, shares his experiences and those of others on pet survival. Some of the stories he tells will put the light of hope and faith and a smile back in the heart of those grieving. Harold explains how the bonds between human and pets can never be broken.

We would also briefly mention the protector of the Animal Kingdom. All we will do is simply ask you all, is to think of the nicest mum you can imagine. Kind, caring, loving, thoughtful, knowing. We will all be on the right track in understanding who is looking after our pets. Any suffering our pets may have endured is lifted off by her loving arms, outstretched to welcome them home as they leave the physical. No trauma, hurt or pain can pass her loving vibrations, mums always make things better.

Bear returned home February 2024, he is visited by his family when they sleep.
There are many of you who have met Rachel, AKA Reiki Rach. Rachel has a very good knowledge of the Animal Kingdom and her chosen path is animal reiki. We will ask Rachel to share some of her experiences of pets in the spirit. As much as we are here to help any, we are also here to help any animals in need. If there are any at a loss come and speak with Rachel or the team on our next day of healing. Our next day is Saturday the 20th of July 10-1.30pm Crosby library. There is no charge for what we do but we do accept donations if offered.
For those of you who are saddened, be of good cheer for each time we sleep our spirit leaves its physical shell, it returns to spirit, it returns home. We are reunited with those that we love, they are not gone. Only upon waking do we return to the physical, if we are lucky, we may remember glimpses. They are not lost, they are not gone, they patiently await the arrival home of their owners, their family.
Instagram: innerenergyreikirach1