Decreased focus and confusion?
Hello, my name is Louise, I’m a part time self employed cleaner at present after leaving my job to deal with my menopause symptoms. Since I was a young child I didn’t like the feel of an untidy cluttered house, it made me feel uncomfortable. I had a friend whose house was untidy and I would get my friends to tidy it with me and I felt so much better for it.
I never thought anything of it until I came across an article on feng shui, many years later, which is about the flow of energy in a person’s home.
All things are energy and this can have an effect on the home owner and those who visit the house.
When a home is cluttered many people who visit can feel uncomfortable sitting in and around mess. I once cleaned a house and there was a lot of untidy items all around. Some of the members of the house would pass comments to me about how it made them feel stressed and they didn’t like to sit in the rooms where the mess was.
I’ve learnt that this may lead to decreased focus, confusion and tension on the brain. Clutter represents unfinished business and can be stressful for some people. When people have concerns in their lives the clutter can cause added stress.
Decluttering can be done over time, one room at a time and the effects can transform people’s lives. It can make people feel lighter, motivate them to redecorate their homes and clearing out the old can make way for new beginnings. It can create a more calming and peaceful environment that helps us stay focused and productive. It can get people out of a rut as clutter and mess may keep people feeling stuck.
If your home is cluttered and you don’t know where to begin, start on one room, make piles, one for recycle/charity and one for bin. It doesn’t have to be done all in one go. You can create a calming space room by room and once you have one room completed you’ll feel the difference. You may want to carry on until all of your home has been decluttered.
Having a tidy clutter free home may help those who are suffering from menopause symptoms such as foggy brain which effects concentration. My home is my peaceful sanctuary that has helped me get through my menopause. I am able to relax and heal in my calm environment as the energy has a good effect on me.
I will be at the next LifeBalance day of healing on the 20th of July at Crosby Library, 10am-1.30pm. If any of our readers would like to talk about any of the subjects that I write about, then please pop in for a chat, cuppa and a piece of cake. There is no charge for all that we do, although we do accept donations.
Love Louise