Marching into March
Well, it’s time to really get started now.
March is a great time, even though it’s still early in the year we can get so much growing:
Seed potatoes:
These can be set ready to chit for the next few weeks, just place them in a dry light place and let them do their thing. You want to be looking for green chits, if you start to get white chits growing, break these off and just keep the smaller green ones, 2-4 chits per potato.
Onion sets:
Towards the end of the month, it’s time to start your onion sets, I start mine off in modules and keep them in the green house for 2-3 weeks until they have a good start. If you don’t have a greenhouse you can place them straight in the ground, give them 8 inch spacing between try to cover them with some fleece, also watch the birds as they love nothing more than a tasty onion.
Boost your soil:
It’s still not too late to get some organic matter into your beds, my local garden centre is currently selling 5 bags or organic manure for £15. That all I require for the year ahead. It’s really worthwhile investing in your soil and feeding those worms.
Prick out and pot on:
Now is the time to prick out those Tomato and Chile seedlings and pot on into some slightly larger pots, keep them warm and on the windowsill

Sowing seeds:
Lots of things can be sown now, Spring onions, Beetroot, Spinach, Radish and Lettuce can all be sown now, I use modules to multi sow and then plant out in a few weeks’ time.

Wildflower meadow:
If you have the space, it’s a great idea to plant some Wildflower meadow seeds, you don’t need acres of space, a small spot of garden or a large pot is fine. This will be fantastic for your local wildlife.
As always you can follow my progress on:
Instagram – Matts_plot
YouTube. – Matts plot