So I have just been helping Lisa put together a plan for a single day walk on the weekend of 5-6 Jun 21. It’s exciting!! We have chosen an area that is not too far from the Life Balance Studio HQ and which is one of the finest heather moorland landscapes, in this wonderful country of ours. We are truly blessed to live in such a magical land! As a qualified Mountain Leader and guide, making such plans is my bread and butter, this is my day job after all, but I never fail to get excited when doing so. I imagine the wide open spaces, the feeling at being one with nature, the not knowing what stunning view is just round the next corner and perhaps most of all, the peace that follows a good walk. I do my job because I love it but it isn’t just what I get from it I love, it is seeing the people I walk with also get enthused about the great outdoors. As a former Royal Marine, I have travelled the world and seen some amazing places but I can say hand on heart, that I feel incredibly lucky to live on this small but perfectly formed, emerald green isle.

The area we have chosen is the Forest of Bowland. What things first come to mind when I think of this area? I think of how the rocks were formed in the mists of time by the silts of a massive river delta, back when this land was near the equator, before trees and grasses had evolved and even before the dinosaurs. When oxygen levels were much higher and huge insects like dragonfly with 2 metre wingspans cruised about. I imagine an Anglo-Saxon hunting party out to catch wild boar and stag. I picture a Wuthering Heights wild and weather beaten landscape. Most of all I am reminded of happiness, for it is in the hills and mountains that I am most content.
After such a long period of enforced absence, I can’t wait to get out there and once again hit the hills. I hope you can join us too…
Keep an eye on the website for details