May – Everybody Matters – Sign with Alan
Hello all,
I am very happy to be onboard. Hope you enjoyed my first month’s article, and maybe had a chance to have a go at signing? Each month, as I mentioned, I will demonstrate 3 signs, and recap the month before.
In addition, I will also write a little about a sign language related topic.
I would like to call this month’s article: Everybody Matters.
Learning a few signs or bits of other languages can break down many barriers, and help us connect with life around us. Whether that be on holiday, at home, work, or life in general. We all equally have something important to share and have the right to say (or sign) our needs.
For example, when meeting a Deaf person, a few signs would definitely help, in most cases. However, not all deaf people sign; Lots lip-read and use speech to communicate. Whether the person signs, lip reads or is hard of hearing, good advise is: good lighting, facing the person (relaxed eye contact), clear speech (no mumbling), don’t shout (a normal and calm voice is perfect) and be prepared to write down (or in this modern day type on the mobile) and of course be patient with yourself, and the person you’re communicating with.
There is a helpful app, which is available on Google Playstore and on web browsers called Sign BSL. Here you can type a word and most of the time, videos of a sign related to the word you want will be available:
And as always, for anyone starting to learn sign; the alphabet is very important. Here is a YouTube link:
Thank you for taking the time to read. I look forward to hearing any feedback you may have, and posting next month’s article.
Please also, see this month’s video. The signs are: hello/goodbye, how are you and please/thank you (please and thank you are the same sign, but different speech. And the same applies for hello and goodbye)
Have fun, see you soon.
Alan will be at our next “Day of Healing” on the 24th of June at Crosby Library 10am-2pm for any who sign or are non-verbal. If you have any questions then get in touch or we will see those who attend on the 24th.