
The Healing Light

15 September, 2024

The Healing Light

The Healing Light

Overcoming Death part 3

Picture courtesy of J Plenio


Where do we start with this one!  The healing light is an endless topic.  The more we learn the more we will always know very little.  This being said the more we learn and the more we learn to find our own healing light.  The more we will feel, the more we will change for the better.  The more we will find the peace that is within.

We all have the divine within us, we all have the light.  It is up to us if we choose to acknowledge it (namaste), find it, use it, or leave it. Sometimes it is just a case of the right time coming along, the right reason.  It really doesn’t matter when we find it.  However, there is in life events which makes us question everything.

Events where the healing light is needed.

It may be a case of belief or lack of it that stops us.  We may have some suffered inconsolable hurt, pain or trauma. How do we believe in light when so many bad and evil things can happen.  Life may just be too painful from the moment we wake and not even finding rest and solitude in sleep.

It doesn’t matter how dark things get, how painful life has become, there is always a guiding light and if we look a little further there is always a healing light waiting to take our hand, to embrace us and free us from pain.

Life always present challenges, time and age brings around many changes.  Health, finances, relationships, work and family create many karmic paths.  Decisions and actions of others can take a toll on us or put us through situations we would rather not be in.

How do we have trust, faith and hope? The human body, mind and psyche is so conditioned by outside influences.  We are steered, pushed and maneuvered in ways we may not be aware of.  All of these can influence emotions, thoughts and feelings.  In many cases we are not in control, and this can lead to pain, fear, chaos and hurt.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Remember, when we look at something it changes.

Over the last few years we have written much about quantum physics, alluded and pointed to many things.  The above statement is known as observer effect. Very simply should we choose to find our healing light we change our paths for the better, we can improve, adjust and find peace and harmony.  There is no situation, no pain that cannot be alleviated by finding our own healing light.

We know that many of our readers will disagree but until you find the light that is within or at a minimum begin to feel its warmth or its peace.  This may seem a hollow statement.

In life there may be traumas that no words can seem to heal, but words are from the light, the light created the word.  In many cases no words need to be spoken the healing comes from within.  The word is within.

Those who understand quantum physics know that everything comes from the unified field.  We simply know it as spirit.  All comes from and returns to the light.  For all of our readers who practice yoga (union) you now know what your practice is really about! Connecting to the light that is within, not just acknowledging it.

Yoga, Union, Unified field, Spirit, LIGHT

Pain has a way of sending us downwards or pushing us to seek help.  We see many trying to find the missing ingredient.  The missing ingredient is always within.  All is within, all is within the unified field.  All is in the light which we all carry.

The healing light is always there, trying to connect to us, aid us and takeaway our pain.  This may be through knowledge, acceptance, understanding or the removal of physical pain.  Our understanding of death will change.  It no longer becomes the end or permanent.  We cannot ever un-feel the light once it has touched us.

Picture courtesy of Pixabay

The light soothes pain, there is no separation from physical and spirit as all resides in the unified field.  It takes away suffering.  Elements of our physical body which are subject to outside influences, thought patterns, emotions lose any negative grip they may have.  The physical life loses the ability to inflict pain.

The spirit within, our true self, shows us the truth, knowledge that provides freedom from pain, suffering and loss.

We are certainly not saying we will become emotionless.  More the opposite we can love life and value what has been given more.   We can create a better environment for all and find peace for ourselves.

Yeshua taught “follow me for my yoke is easy”.  (yoke, union, yoga, LIGHT).  We can look at this a different way and that is,

Connect to the healing light that is within, that frees us from burden and suffering.

The path of Light provides knowledge, respite and healing for any and those who are heavy laden.

On our healing days and appointments, we see many who are suffering and heavy ladened.  Many have tried all sorts of routes and practices, some very dangerous practices.  Connecting to our own light has no dangers.  It does not involve being sick or poisoned, taken from your body or relay any spiritual communications that may be questionable.  There is no need to smoke or ingest substances that create temporary psychic experiences in the hope to find healing.

The divine light rest within.  The healing light is within, to unify when separated.

Everything that we need is within.  The light is already and always has been there. Ever wondered why yoga can make us feel so good? It is trying to connect you to the light within.  We do not need to practice yoga to connect, it can be done anywhere and in moments.  It is not dependant on skin colour, nor religion or culture. It is not dependant on any external source or substance.

Finding our own light changes everything, from our thoughts and feelings to our interactions with others.  When loved ones leave the physical plane it is impossible to hurt as bad, complete faith in re-union. Patience becomes easier and we learn to wait for our time to be reunited.  To return to the light.

For those of our readers who are battling, struggling, full of hurt, sorrow or unhappiness.  There is help, there is relief, forgiveness, release and breathing space.  A fresh start, a new tomorrow is waiting for you. It starts with some simple words.  Help me find the light that is within.

When we look at something it changes, when we practice it changes.  Close your eyes for a few moments and see a beautiful light.  The light knows what you need.  See it until you feel its warmth and love.  It will happen, have patience and faith.  A few moments each day.  What do we have to lose?

We wish you all unity with your spirits.

We hope you find your light within,

The light that gives freedom.

Our next Day of Healing is on Saturday the 2nd of November at Crosby Library 10am-1.30pm.  If there is anything that you wish to ask about in regard to our articles then please come along. If you know any who are troubled and would like help then bring them.  It may be the light you carry that guides them in their time of need.  All that we do is free of charge but we do accept donations if offered.  Free refreshment and  home made cake.


Healing Days

Crosby Library

Fear of Separation


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