
What is Spiritual Healing

7 August, 2021

What is Spiritual Healing ?

Spiritual healing is a divine gift from god, (Mark 16:18).  Spiritual healing helps with all problems and takes place in different ways.  Some effects are immediate and some work over time and in many various ways, shapes and forms. The spirit within is helped and this reflects on the physical body.  True spiritual healing is about awakening the soul.  Help is always given regardless of your religion or beliefs.  No one is ever turned away.  No one is ever judged, it is about getting help and moving forward into a better place. Spiritual healing deals with the cause as well as the effects.

Many people use a one to one appointment for personal development be it physic or spiritual, a safe meditation or to learn and develop spiritual knowledge.

Why does Spiritual Healing work ?

It is very simple, God wants you to know that he/she (God the mother and God the father) exist. God wants you to find the light that is within.

Who can be helped ?

No one is ever turned away and help can always be given, sometimes in ways we do not expect.  Those of us who suffer from physical pains and ailments, loss and bereavement, sickness and disease, addictions and substance abuse, depression and mental health. Help is there for the following; family, work and employment, relationships, health, spiritual or psychic problems.  Help is also given for those who have fallen foul of ayahuasca, Kambo, DMT, tarot cards and readings, Ouija boards, shamanism, magic, kundalini, breath work, manifestation ceremonies, yoga problems, Jinn, dark energies, witchcraft, divination and medium messages.

Sometimes in life we find we are just not happy and no matter where we look it cannot be found.  Spiritual healing helps us to find the peace within, to find the happiness and contentment and to understand why we are here!

How else can Spiritual Healing help?

By understanding how the spirit works and acts we can bring harmony into our lives.  A spiritual healer provides the guidance and education of the spirit within and can teach you how to discern spirit, understand how the physical world interacts with the spirit, why a medium should not tell you the future and why you should never ask to know your future.  We teach why and how we can bring negative energies into our lives and home.  We teach the laws of Karma and cause and effect and all aspects of psychic development to keep you safe and teach you spiritual laws.

We can teach you to protect yourself from energies in your workplace and to understand how energies can change your day to day thinking and create negative thoughts.  How to be aware of your surroundings so that you do not bring negative energies into the family home which can cause pain and disruption.  Spiritual healing can help you use your psychic abilities safely by developing your spiritual awareness to find the peace within.

Removal of Spirits (Exorcism).

Only those with Divine Authority may cast out spirits (Luke10:19).  At times, a person may attract or bring into their lives negative spirits, these spirits not only cause pain for those they are attached to but  will effect the home and family amongst many other problems that arise, be it; physical, financial, mind, thoughts and dreams, relationship, health or supernatural.

These entities can be brought into our lives by misadventure, our own lifestyles and unseen influences, we may even move into a home that already has a problem.  There are also many seeking the truth and on that journey some may fall foul of dangerous spiritual practices that are far from safe, these practices open the doorway to chaos.  Spiritual removal from person or place is completely opposite to what you may have seen on the television.

How does it work?

The healer does nothing other than place his hands above your head. You will never be touched but on occasion he may take your left or right hand and hold for a few seconds.  Firstly, you discuss your problem with healer.  What you tell the healer is in complete confidence as any doctor or person in a position of trust.  Council is given to the patient.

Then if needed the healer will place is hands over your head and the spirits that work with the healer will give the help.  You may feel sensations, or you may feel nothing at all, but help is always given to the spirit within.  Most people after healing feel calm and relaxed.  If you would like to bring a chaperone, then you are more than welcome.

What is the cost of Spiritual Healing?

All that is asked of is that a donation of what you can afford is given to the healer for his time and the help that is received.

We do ask that you keep your appointment time to ensure you have the time you need with the healer and that it does not impact on others appointment times. 

Home appointments available and Absent Healing requests.

To book an appointment or get in touch please see our contact page for details.

If you are unsure or want to know more about what we do read our articles within the main body of the site or follow us on Instagram.  https://www.instagram.com/lifebalanceliverpool/   You can also come and speak with us on our next “Day of Healing”  All help given on the day is free of Charge


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