Pictures courtesy of Alexas Fotos
Courage: There are those amongst us that fear waking up. They go to sleep troubled and worried about the pain and sorrow of the next day. Plagued by thoughts, what next, what else. I am sick of this. I can’t go on. This article is for those who battle daily. Our friends, family, our work colleagues. Those who’s families have been ripped apart and those in so much mental pain every breath is hardship.
Unless we have walked a similar path it can be very hard to comprehend what someone is going through. To understand how the mind works and painful life can be. Sometimes, the pain is for no apparent reason but every moment in time is difficult, the emotions uncontrollable.
We have one word to offer. Courage, because we understand, nothing is easy, everything is a battle. The battles that we allow people to see and the battles that we do not.
The pain we endure when alone and even when with those that love us and care for us. Have courage. When all our happy around us and we can find no light, no respite. The thoughts are so heavy they become feelings, which swamp and drown us.
We may try to grab on to anything, but the heaviness of our hearts still continues to sink. Have courage. We may not be able to battle any longer, we may be done and had enough. Find courage, find your light.
What ever has caused us these battles, they must be fought but how can we when we have no fight in us. Funny how Fight and Light is interchangeable by one letter.
Our problems may be made worse by low vibrations, self-medicating by one means or another. We believe these actions or habits soothe the situation. This is not the case as a low vibration will attract more low vibrations. The senses temporarily placated before the negative feelings grow in strength.
To make things worse these low vibrations coupled with low and negative thoughts attract unseen entities that feed on our suffering. We wonder why we cannot escape these cycles of pain; nothing seems to work. We are now fighting the dark. Our physical ways of fighting play into the dark’s hands.
Many may not know the dark as unseen influences. It may not be seen with physical eyes, but we see it in the suffering of others. To repel the darkness, we must find our light. When everything we see or hear creates painful feelings. The darkness disrupts, dislodges and confuses.
Have Courage
This disruption is a sea of chaos around ourselves. Change the word “Fight”, change the letter, the envelope of pain. From Fight to force, from Force to will, from Will to Courage. Know this, you have more courage than you have known.
It will not feel like it. Every breath and every moment of time we are moving along the path we may be tormented and tortured. Trying our best to keep our heads about water.
There is Respite, there Peace there is Calm.
We can wake unworried.
Do not allow the voices and the feelings to control us. Have courage, find that strength of the heart to say, “I can change this”. When the pain is unbearable and the sadness inconsolable, use our word. Simply ask for courage.
Others may not see the pain we are in, we may look fit, strong healthy and well but below the surface there is chaos the opposite to peace.
Our physical shell is no different from an envelope, the real message, the real us is within, and once we connect to it, we will find our peace, and that changes everything.
We would like to ask a favour of all our readers. That is, if we know someone who is battling, send them this post. We are here to help, even our readers on the other side of the world. If these words help only one person, it is worth it. All anyone has to do is get in touch and we know how hard that can be when life is hell.
Many of our readers know we run healing days and a self-healing group. For those reading this who battle these words are for you, you are not alone. Those reading this who feel their courage has left them, it has not. It is with you as close as your heartbeat. It is just the outside, the envelope is telling you the opposite.
Those who want to come to our self-healing group but cannot physically attend, for a few moments on a Saturday morning, wherever you are in the world, close your eyes, look for your light, find your courage, your light will find us as the light from our little group will find you.
Have Courage, as they say in France.