My name is Paul Brennan and I first became interested in hypnotherapy after reading a self hypnosis book. Having experienced its positive effects I decided to study further and qualified as a hypnotherapist in 2006.
Why the name ‘The Enlightened Mind’?

I thought long and hard about a suitable name and for me it is an apt description for what we do when using hypnosis as a therapy. I can help to shine light on issues that have perhaps been kept in the darkest recesses of your mind and have held you back. I can help you lighten the things that have weighed you down.
Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that can be used to help bring about the changes that you wish to see but it is a collaborative process. I will be working with you and you will be working with me to deliver the results you wish to see. I look forward to hearing from you and working alongside you.
‘The Enlightened Mind’ is based in Formby, Merseyside in the North West of England.
The Enlightened Mind – Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness (Paul Brennan) 07931863938 https://theenlightenedmind.co.uk/about.html paul@theenlightenedmind.co.uk
You can also come and speak with Paul on our next “Day of Healing” at Crosby Library. https://lifebalancestudio.co.uk/healing-days/