January – #newyearnewme
Let me start by wishing you all a very happy new year. I hope that you have all enjoyed the festive season and it was filled with love, joy, and lots of fun.
If I am totally honest, I cannot deny that I am kind of pleased to see the back of 2022. It’s funny isn’t it, how some years you look back and think “wow best year ever” and others you think “well I’m glad to be leaving that horror show behind”? When in reality no year is without both its ups and downs.
Are you like me and really enjoy the buzz around new year? #newyearnewme and all that. The energy surrounding it seems to be positive. I have to say it always amazes me the hope new year brings. You can have had an awful year but some how you are filled with hope and excitement for what the new year has instore. It’s like a fairy-tale. At the stroke of midnight, a new chapter begins, the slate is wiped clean, and you have a fresh page to start writing your future.
What are you going to write in your chapter 2023? For me it’s going to be about energy.
Positive energy – How can we find it? How can we be filled with it?
Negative energy – how can we protect ourselves against it? How can we avoid it?
I hope that like me, you make the decision to embrace the bad bits, seek out the exciting and good bits and hopefully we will grow in knowledge and strength along the way.
Peace, Love & Harmony
Reiki Rach x