Garden and Growing

Tomorrows Garden. The Elementals

5 January, 2023

tomorrows garden

Tomorrows Garden. The Elementals

How do we create

The elemental spirits lie within nature. Our nature of this world.

There are four elementals which correspond to the four elements of earth, water, air, and fire. They are called nature spirits.

It is strongly connected to the Chinese belief system and Traditional Chinese Medicine but the difference being Chinese belief is 5 not 4. 

These nature spirits, or elementals look after, tend to, our plants, flowers, trees, vegetables, fruit, warm energy, soil, mineral, water, cold energy and air

I will talk about The Elementals and Elemental Energy more in my monthly blogs.

I started to research this information because I wondered why I feel so connected to gardening. I know it sounds bonkers but gardening really does heal me! 

Tomorrows Garden. The Elementals

I was itching to get out there all over Christmas so I ordered top soil and made a rockery in a corner of the garden where nothing seems to grow. I moved plants and rocks from other places in the garden and made this (pictured) all within 2 hours. I loved it, I love how gardening helps me and it’s crazy how it does! 

Monty Donn says there’s a spiritual element to gardening and he’s so so right. 

It’s common knowledge that exercise is good for you and gardening is obviously exercise, the national health service has since January 2019 been prescribing (gardening, see links below) and it’s in their ‘long term plan’ to social prescribe for preventative health care, currently the RHS is undertaking research to better understand how to maximise on the health benefits of gardening.

But what is the connection between us humans and the elemental kingdom?


Do you believe in fairies? 

If you wish to know more about this subject come and speak with me on our next Day of Healing at Crosby Library.  Our day is not only about healing but also education.

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