Well-Being & Mental Health

October- Opal – Reiki Rach

3 October, 2022

October is all about the OPAL. Its beautiful colours reflect and bring light to the shorter darker days ahead as we enter further into autumn and towards winter.
Opal is found in an array of colours including white common, pink, black, purple, blue, yellow, red, brown, orange and green. But most commonly it’s known for its white colouring with its iridescent flex causing a beautiful rainbow across the stone.
Opals can be found in Peru, America and Australia.
As the nights draw in and we have fewer hours of sunlight and the weather turns cold and damp we usually notice a few more bugs flying about and we begin to feel a bit run down and under the weather. Well opal is your friend during these periods as it aids with fever and infection. It can also help with kidney function, circulation, vision and memory.
During this period of change you may find yourself lacking creativity and inspiration well look no further. The opal will get your creative fluids flowing and kick your imagination into overdrive.
My wish for you this October is that you find an outlet for your creativity.
Peace, Love & Harmony
Reiki Rach x

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