We would like to thank those who came last Saturday to our Healing Day. It was a very interesting, from the moment we opened the door, we had people walking in ( even before the kettle had boiled). There were those who just wanted to find out what we are about, those who had questions and those who just needed some help getting from A to B.
For many it can take a lot of courage to walk through the doors so those who did, well done. There were also those who had their train tickets cancelled last minute due to the current situation, some travelling from south of the country. ( don’t worry we have already set aside time for you all).
This being said we know many were helped, some have already organised follow up appointments, for healing, discussion or development.
What we would like to say to our readers is, that the life balance approach is about being aware of options, learning what brings disharmony into our lives and the power we have as individuals to change it. Sometimes, we all need a little help from a friendly face and this is what the team are about.
We would ask all our readers if you know someone who is struggling, battling, lost, have the weight of the world on them, then bring them along to our next day. If there any who read this that feel they are worthless or would not be missed then this is your place. One of the greatest things we can do is to help another, even if it is a case of just coming for a free cup of tea or coffee and chocolate biscuit.
And if you are not sure what to say then, as our good friend always says, just use these words.
Can I run this past you, what do you think….
And when the face smiles back and says “Yes, I know exactly what you mean”, you know you were meant to come.