Sign With Alan
Hello my name’s Alan. I’ve been learning sign language now for 4 years. I achieved BSL level 3 in 2021.
I would like to say hello. For all whom communicate either through BSL, Makaton or signed English etc. I will be at the Life balance events to help give access to anyone whom communicates through signed communication.
I will also be demonstrating 3 signs each month, to help promote and spread awareness of signs.
My advise always to anyone who wants to learn a little, is to start with the alphabet. This alone opens up a big communication barrier with anyone who uses sign in any way, whether that is BSL, makaton e.t.c. Here is a link to a YouTube video that demonstrates the alphabet:
In addition to this the first 3 signs I would like to show you, to compliment the link are: My, name and what.
Maybe you would like to try, good luck.
I will be at the next Life Balance Day of Healing on the 24th of June 23. https://lifebalancestudio.co.uk/events-getting-the-help-we-need/
If you wish to know what Healing days are about then click the link
or follow the team on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifebalanceliverpool/