Healers and alternative Help

Sign with Alan

1 July, 2023

Whole New World

 Sign with Alan – A Cats Tale


This month’s article is a little different. In the last 4 months, I have been back to college to re-study GCSE English language.  It was never a strong subject for me at school, however, I felt an urge to retake the GCSE exams. Although to begin with I struggled and tried to think of a good reason not to continue, I persevered! And I can now say, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have benefited greatly, regardless of what the exam result is. I believe when I am translating from English to BSL (British Sign Language) and BSL to English, having a good understanding of both languages will be of great benefit for myself and those whom I interpret for.

One of the tasks we were assigned in the English GCSE was creative or descriptive writing. This was quite a struggle for me to begin with, but with faith, research and perseverance I now do enjoy it and I feel a lot more creative in my writings. I would like to share a piece of descriptive writing, of a story of our family pet cat Sweep, who passed over 20 years ago.


He was born in a litter of four, from close family friends. We were offered a kitten when they were of age. When I first saw him, a small black ball of fluff. His emerald eyes shimmered gently as they met mine. I could feel an instant connection with him. As though it was already predestined that we would be his family. We decided on the name Sweep. It felt right. When the time came, we padded out a small basket to safely transport him home.

At first he was shy. Sweep swept softly and gingerly about the house, familiarising himself with his new abode. He spent a lot of time in his basket, a little safe haven for him. In time he became brave. Venturing out for nourishment.

When he was big enough to go out, we would supervise him in the backyard. At the time we also had 2 rabbits: Ernie and Snowy. It was a joy to see them all playing together, chasing one another around the yard, playing hide and seek. He also loved hot weather and would spend hours tanning his belly, purring in the midday sun.

Quite often, when Sweep was young. Interestingly, about the same time, most evenings, he would have a mad half hour. Myself, Stephen and Mum would be content watching the box, when suddenly the little black tornado would spiral at top speed around the house, dribbling ping pong balls, tarring up newspapers, trying to mountaineer  walls, clawing at the wallpaper to my Mum’s horror. We would be hysterical. Once he had exhausted himself, he would content in curling himself on my knee, innocently purring, sinless of any crime.

Sign with Alan – A Cats Tale

He was most disgruntled when we went on holiday, with only the daily visits of neighbours to feed him. On our return he would not engage with us for a few days, or allow us in touching distance from him. As he clearly displayed his upset at abandoning him for a whole week! He started to get clever and learned to read the signs of the vacations. Once we were all sat in the taxi, ready to set off to Blackpool. And there sat Sweep; protesting, as he protested in front of the taxi, as we tried to leave, with a long cheeky stare as if to say “your not going anywhere without me this time” I would have to get out and move him, reassure him, it won’t be long until our return. Though again, deja vu, we returned and he would sentence us with the silent treatment.

Another fond memory was Christmas time. He insisted each year to help decorate the home. Though decorations would become fewer as the years went by. As he would see it all as a big game. He loved chewing and rolling around in tinsel, playing football with the baubles and trying to climb the tree; inevitably coming to a crash landing, as his weight would topple it over. We would always rap him a little gift, usually a little toy or tasty treats. We would enjoy observing him chew his way through the wrapping paper. He, too, got his fair share of dinner. He would be first in the queue for turkey. If anyone tried to worm in front of him, he would growl, unleash his claws, asserting his rightful place in line.

We truly loved Sweep as me and my brother Stephen cutely nicknamed him Sweep-lad. He felt like a brother. The sadness when he disappeared, when it was his time for his spirit to depart. Interestingly, I remember the last time I saw him. I was engrossed in school work, books sprawled out on the floor. I expected any minute, sweep would plonk himself on my books, deterring me from completing my studies. I thought he wanted feeding, as he brushed himself on me. I promised I would see to his needs. But when I went to feed him, he’d gone out. An echo within me believes he was saying goodbye that day, as normally he would persist until he got fed. But not that day. The days passed, and he had not come home. I set out a few times, trailing miles round the local streets, with a picture in hand, enquiring of him. But no such luck. We had to accept, it was his time to depart the physical vessel, and for us to celebrate and be grateful for his life, blessing us with his devotion. Knowing in our hearts, the love, the memories of him, will never cease. God bless and thank you Sweep-lad.

Pets are so very loved by many of us including Deaf, hearing and blind people. Their beauty, companionship, loyalty and love is deeply felt and for many, are just like children, brothers and sisters. Many are trained also, as guide dogs for the blind and hearing dogs for the Deaf. Their talents are amazing. Did you know? There was once a gorilla named Koko, who learned over 1000 signs and understood many spoken words. He had a working vocabulary. Here is a you tube link for you to enjoy:

I believe that the spirits of our pets are always with us, as long as we need them. Love forms an attachment between us. When it is our time, our faithful companions will be there to greet us in the spirit lands.

True, animals are amazing. Their characters, loyalty and unconditional love is a true gift from God. I am sure my story of Sweep will trigger many happy memories of your own pets. Thank you for taking the time to read.

The signs for this month are animal signs:

  1. Cat 🐈
  2. Dog 🐕
  3. Rabbit 🐇

Please see the attached video:

As always, for anyone starting to learn sign; the alphabet is very important and is the best way to begin. There are hundreds of BSL alphabet videos on the Internet. Here is a YouTube

link to 1 of them:



Have fun. See you soon.

God bless.

The next Day of Healing is on the 23rd of September at Crosby Library 10-2pm.  I will be there to sign, teach and help any that may have questions. I am qualified up to British Sign Language Level 3. I aspire in the near future to be a fully qualified interpreter. So if your preferred method of communication is BSL, SSE, Makaton, I will do my best to help with any service you wish to access. All help given on the day is free of charge.  Pop in for a cuppa and piece of cake.

If any of our readers have lost pets and struggling then come and speak with us.  Let us share with you how it works in the animal kingdom of spirit.  If any of our readers have sick animals, then come and see to Rach who specialises in animal Reiki. Our healing days are for all who we love, this includes our animals.



Healing Days

Crosby Library

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