Garden and Growing

Working the Soul

19 April, 2021

working the soul tomorrows garden

Tomorrow’s Garden – Working the Soul


Sorry it’s taken me so long to write something about gardening but I have been really busy in the garden I haven’t had time to tell you about it until now. 

We moved in and the garden was a jungle so we’ve cleared it to give us a fresh start and make it how we want it. I sometimes regret cutting back so much, but I have made a promise to replace all that was lost in time. You’ll see from the photos then and now. Which takes me to tell you how grounded and content I feel in the garden. 

From sowing my seeds to buying shrubs, working goodness into the soil (I typed soul instead of soil just then which makes me think!!) from local farmed manure. 

You could say, gardening puts the goodness back into my soul!! 

I treat the plants, shrubs and seedlings like babies, caring for them and also starting a new life in a different way. It really does make me feel full of love – I know that sounds so ridiculous!! 

But please, if you feel down or out of balance just try going outside to be at one with Mother Nature – I promise it’ll help. 

I’ve sown veg seeds like lettuce, rocket, tomato, bok choy, sweet corn, chilli, broccoli and potatoes.

Also I have sown lots of flowers to brighten up the boarders in the summer months. 

I would love to hear back from any keen gardeners who are pro’s or just starting off like me. I would love to learn more and give more – to help but also, I have sown too many seeds so I’d like to give them to you too!! 

Enjoy Spring, be happy, lots of love – Lisa x 

If you wish to learn about our gardens in a different way then you can read the following post from Maureen.  If you wish to understand yoga or spiritualism from a different teaching perspective read our posts in the yoga section.

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