United – Sign with Alan
It is the time of the year when people of all ages go back to school and many teachers return to work.
I am happy to say I recently started to volunteer at the Deaf centre in West Derby, where I will do a few hours each month: working on reception and being part of the tea and coffee mornings. As many of the deaf people came in one day (about 20 in total, all I think are retired) I was told by another Volunteer that most of these people know each other from school until now. I felt this was wonderful! How so many people stayed in contact and supported each other through life and still do, to this day. This is not just the case in this area, but worldwide! Deaf communities generally stick together and help each other.
One of reasons for this strong unity was not just their common bond in deafness but because for nearly 100 years sign language was banned in all schools and colleges. In 1880 it was decided at the education conference that the best method for educating deaf people is the oral method (meaning speech only). The reasoning back then was that it was the only way Deaf people could fully integrate into society and that sign language was not a complete language like spoken languages, it was compared to as more of a pantomime.
The impact for Deaf people was massive. Thousands, perhaps millions of deaf teachers were made redundant and replaced by hearing teachers, who mostly would have no deaf awareness. When children were caught signing in class they would be canned or their hands would be tied behind their back. Societies worldwide were brainwashed into believing sign language was something to be ashamed of. Thankfully there were good strong-minded people who knew this was not the truth.
Deaf people supported each other in many ways such as Deaf clubs and organisations such as the BDDA (British Deaf Dumb Association) now known as BDA (British Deaf Association) Deaf clubs have always been a haven for Deaf people where they can relax, not feel stigmatised and share news and support each other. The BDA was set up to fight against injustices such as the banning of sign language in schools and many other insane ideas such as Deaf couples not being allowed to marry! (Thankfully the marriage proposal never got passed)
The stigma for Deaf, HOH (Hard of Hearing) people is still around today. Thankfully at last, due to sign languages being recognised equal to spoken languages, that stigma is starting to fade. Though we have a long way to go yet. In 2025, BSL (British Sign Language) is set to become a GCSE, which will help break down more barriers and enlighten more people about Deaf awareness.
United – Sign with Alan
Recently on BSL Zone, a television program available on Freeview, Sky, and is also a downloadable app (BSL Zone) aired an interesting episode about Deaf clubs. See below a link:
Thank you for taking the time to read this. The signs I would like to teach this month are:
Please see the attached video:
As always for all those new to sign language and want to learn. I recommend the best place to start is the alphabet. There are lots of videos relating to the BSL alphabet on you tube. This video I feel is one of the best:
Have fun. See you soon.
God bless.
The next Day of Healing is this month on the 23rd of September at Crosby Library 10-2pm. I will be there to sign, teach and help any that may have questions. I will be there to help out, guide people to the right services. Also if anyone wishes to learn a little sign language, I will be happy to get you started . All help given on the day is free of charge. Pop in for a cuppa and piece of cake.