Healers and alternative Help

What is Cupping Therapy- John Fairbrother

20 September, 2022

Cupping has seen a massive rise in popularity within Sports Medicine since becoming known at the 2012 London Olympics, however it has been used for centuries throughout the world, and still remains a major facet of Chinese medicine for recovery from pain and injury.  It involves the placement of glass or plastic ‘vacuum’ cups onto specific regions of the body, which may be left in place for a duration of time or moved repeatedly up and down the muscles.

If the effect of cupping was to be described in a single word, it word be ‘mobilising‘.  Cupping is used to decompress, separate and gently stretch the layers of tissue and fascia, enabling the Blood and Body Fluids to flow more freely – this allows fresh Blood and nutrients to access the tissues and bring about nourishment and accelerate healing.  By releasing tension, Cupping also helps to increase joint mobility.

Cupping also ‘draws out’ localised Blood stagnation and toxins from the muscles and flesh, which can then be reabsorbed and processed by the body – This is what causes the appearance of bruising.  Cupping is not often used as a standalone treatment and is really a supporting therapy alongside the use of Medical Massage.  The use of medicated oils and liniments are also necessary to help the reabsorption process.

If you would like to know more about cupping or sports massage therapy then please come and see me on Saturday 24th of September at the LifeBalance Day of Healing.  I will also be giving short massages on any problem areas for those that need it.

See you Saturday, John.

Day of Healing, Crosby Library, 10am-2pm

Crosby Rd N, Waterloo, Liverpool L22 0LQ

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