Healers and alternative Help

Why learn to sign

1 June, 2023

Whole New World
June – Why learn to sign? Sign with Alan
Did you know? By learning the basics of sign language in Britain alone, would help break down communication barriers for 87000 people! Yes, that’s how many Deaf people use BSL, according to the British Deaf Association.
Sign language is fun and interactive. It does not just use signs to communicate words; it also uses body language and facial expression to give more meaning. It is a proven language, equal to spoken languages.
There are so many reasons to learn sign language, here are a few:
It is a 3D language, it is a piece of artwork in front of you. Stories become alive with facial expression, signs and hand movements. It has been known in several studies, how, concentration levels of children, are much higher when signs are used.
Is a good brain workout and also good for facial muscles.
Helps when learning words – particularly for children.
Great for people who are non-verbal or have special needs.
When working in a noisy environment, or from long distances when speech can’t be heard.
Good for private and confidential information.
Effective between speakers of different languages, such as at work or on holiday.
Helps develop spatial and peripheral awareness.
It will decrease the barrier between the Deaf and hearing worlds. Increase sensitivity and awareness, so that we can recognise each other’s similarities and differences.
My dream for the future is that signs and sign language will be a lot more common. It will be taught in schools from an early age. A GCSE in BSL would be brilliant. Also more deaf awareness in work places would be brilliant.
There are many places to learn such as online and in a collage or deaf centre. Signature is the main governing body; and has information of classes/schools all around the UK. Here is a link to their’ website:
As always, for anyone starting to learn sign; the alphabet is very important and is the best way to begin. There are hundreds of BSL alphabet videos on the Internet. Here is a YouTube
link to 1 of them:
Please also, see this month’s video. The signs are: why, where and when.
The next Day of Healing is on the 24th of June at Crosby Library 10-2pm.  I will be there to sign, teach and help any that may have questions.  All help given on the day is free of charge.  Pop in for a cuppa and piece of cake.

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