
Place of Peace

31 October, 2024

Pictures courtesy of Gregory Brennan
Place of Peace
Overcoming death part 6
It is not only death that creates turbulence in our emotions.  There are many situations, aliment’s and illnesses that can do this.  There is something that we all have within to aid, help and overcome.  It is a place of peace, happiness and joy.
It is Light. 
For many it is difficult to believe in anything when suffering, when hurt and our heads and hearts ache. We may only feel pain, we can be governed by our emotions, slaves to the rollercoaster of turmoil.
We may not wish to leave, happy in the hurt, it creates a strange sense of safety. The emotions can make us feel guilty about feeling better, trapping us. Our lives can become dark and heavy. However, we are spiritual beings, beings of light.  As we begin to share some of the aspects of light, not only is it a place of peace but it is also a place of calm, serenity and Stillness. As always any of our writings that are in italics are linking words to other lessons and unlock more understandings or should we say,
On many occasions things can not be seen. It can be a case of there is not enough light.  Or so it may appear! Learning to overcome fear and emotions can be found through Light. In the same light, a place of peace can also be found.
So where is this place of peace? It is between anger and tranquillity between happiness and sorrow.  It is between sad thoughts and joyful thoughts. You will find it in between emotions and logic, it is between the flowing ebb of what we call life.
We can all find our balance, our stillness.
What do we mean by this? We can learn to become dispassionate.  We can learn to observe.  To remove ourselves from a situation and look at it from a spiritual perspective.  We can use our light to overcome any,
Dilemmas, disputes, or obstacles that we may face.
There comes a time when no amount of words can help. We can be given the best advice, all the support in the world.  Still nothing changes.  We may not have the strength, the courage, the fight.  Or the pain we experience is too much for the kind words and compassion that we are shown.
*Place of Peace*
We may hurt ourselves, physically, with drink or drugs or from the cruelty of our own minds.  We may suffer inhuman abuse at the hands of others.  We may have been left on our own with no love or cannot share the love we have inside.
Our childhoods may have been painful, lonely and lost.  These experiences shaping our days, our interactions.  Once the past is gone there is no way to change it.  The past shapes our present.  We can however change how we perceive it.
It can all be overcome.  It can lose its power to create pain.
We can repair, restore, transform.
We all have the power to self-heal to take ourselves to that place of peace, the other place.  Not of sadness, not of torment or suffering.  No fear of separation, no pain or grief.  Grief that takes us away from those who are living, who love us, suffer with us.  We forget to live.
Everyday the ebb and flow of emotions avoiding the place of peace.  Guilt, thoughts of, just if, only or why.  There can be thoughts used to cause pain.  People that have wronged us, to money, family, people we have let down and shame. Anguish because we are in misery and we do not see clearly.  Our days are dark.  Everything hurts. We cannot escape or so our emotions make it seem so.
We can all change our situations.
There will be times when pain will overwhelm, when bitterness will eat at our hearts and our words will injure.  We may feel a piece of us is missing or we cannot control our thoughts or emotions. These are the moments our light shines.
Find your Diamond, your precious light.
If and when we find ourselves battling, look for your diamond of your soul, the diamond of the heart.  This is your beautiful light.  Close your eyes and see it in front of you, see the colours of rainbow sparkle before your eyes. Allow its glow to come closer to you.  Feel it envelop you.
As we begin to feel that light, we become light.  Any darkness and worry will fall away in what surrounds you, see your body shining, radiant.  Become still.  Relax.  Let the light do its thing.  No words, no requests, it know what you need already.
Bathe in that light for as long as you need, as often as we need.  Our minds become still.  Let the light strengthen our emotional bodies, calming our emotions.  We become buoyant. The peace that we can find here is but a glimmer of what awaits us, our birthright, our kingdom come.
These are but small steps, gentle and self-care.  We may not believe at this point but what do we have to lose.  A few moments each day, if we feel tortured, irrational or disturbed. Find your light.  The light is spiritual medicine, wisdom, companionship. It is our own choice to accept the help or not.
Each time we visit the light, the light in us grows.  It begins to teach, show and guide. The more light we find the clearer we will see. The clearer we will think.  Our situation will change, it will improve. Even death holds no power. The more light we find in ourselves the more we will want to share it.
We wish you all unity with your spirit.

Our next healing day is this Saturday (2nd of November 24) at Crosby library 10am-1.30pm.  For those who are grieving or troubled come and speak with us.  There is no charge for what we do or help given on the day.  Pop in for a cuppa and a chat, what do you have to lose.  There is no charge for tea, coffee or home made cake.  We do accept donations if offered to cover the cost of the room.

Healing Days


Crosby Library

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