Battling Cocaine Addiction
There are many things which have a destructive nature. Cocaine is one of those things. The article below is a good source to start from.
Even knowing how bad it is, we still do it. Sometimes it takes a life threatening experience for us to break the habit. For some of us we do not stop at these warnings. What has caused us to start down this path?
However, there is more to this. There is an unseen side. We have become enslaved, but by what? We will leave this for our readers to ponder as we all know someone.
“The expression battling demons is not just an expression”.
These things exist, just the addiction will tell you otherwise.
For those who would like to change. Those who are ready for change. The negative effects from use are destroying our lives, family, work, happiness. Anxiety, panic attacks, fear. We do not have to battle our demons alone, there are those who can help. And for those of us, who are not quite there yet, then you will always know where to find respite when ready, whatever our demons are.
To battle the dark, we need to strengthen the light that is within
All the darkness in the world can not extinguish one candle.
Our next day of Healing is on the 24th of June, Crosby Library 10-2pm. All help and refreshments on the day are given free of charge.
Battling Cocaine Addiction
A few articles that may help