Where do we start? Since reading Maureen’s last post on the Good Samaritan something has struck a chord. It has really made me think, more than usual. We thought we would share some Yogic wisdom from Maureen’s article. That is. the Good Samaritan Pose. We can become so focused on the physical or the self we can miss opportunities to improve our own yoga practice.
At this moment in time, we are using the “Yoga Lens” to write and share knowledge. Life can be fast paced, we can be pressed or we have so much going on. At times we may not be able to show a little extra kindness or do not seem to have the time when we would like to. Sometimes we just can’t help or so we think!
On our road to wisdom or knowledge there are a few components necessary. These are faith, hope and charity. We have written about these before in the article “Mother Ukraine”. https://lifebalancestudio.co.uk/mother-ukraine/. We would like to ask our readers what pose helps us with charity or allows us to demonstrate the qualities of the “Good Samaritan”.
We may need to think about this. Our yoga practice on the mat, is supposed to put the qualities we have learnt into practice. What we are lacking for progress, we imitate to build and develop those vibrations and connect becoming our vibrations. Unfortunately, many of the poses we practice do not reflect the things that will help us make our lives easier.
Some poses do not have a physical counterpart.
We all benefit from our physical practice, but the practice of charity creates some very strong vibrations. When we can spare those few moments for a kind word or a bit of time, we can make big changes. When it is done for no other reason other than to help. If we do something to generate good karma, then the vibrations do not go where they should.
What we send out comes back double. If we can’t help a person, send out a good thought to them. Gods, Peace, Love and Light. Peace be with you, Peace be upon you, we do not interfere with their path their karma or their lessons.
We cannot raise our vibrations if we deal in low vibrations, that is word, deed, action and thoughts. We ask our readers to consider Maureen’s article on the good Samaritan. https://lifebalancestudio.co.uk/the-good-samaritan-ask-maureen/. It doesn’t mean we start running around offering help to all. If we can, when we can, or when needed we demonstrate the Good Samaritan Pose. What you will find there is not one pose for it, it flows it changes, some days our pose is stronger than others and by that we mean, more to give.
Sometimes we may need a good Samaritan when our cups are empty.
If we cannot help then we can simply ask our Heavenly Mother or Heavenly Father, the Divine Feminine or the Divine Masculine to send their Peace, Love and Light. Yoga is not just an hour on the mat. The mat is the easy bit.
If you do wish to understand the qualities of the Good Samaritan, we suggest looking into the Essence of the Peaceful warrior. For those who are inquisitive it may give some insight in to the root chakra – hint hint.
If you would like to know more about this subject or speak with Maureen then come and see us on our next “Day of Healing” at Crosby library on the 15th of April, 10am -2pm or check our events page. https://lifebalancestudio.co.uk/healing-days/ https://lifebalancestudio.co.uk/events-getting-the-help-we-need/