
Strengthen the Heart

20 November, 2023

Strengthen the Heart

Strengthen the Heart

As we begin to write this article, we are not sure into what section we should place it.  Maybe we will create a separate section on Pilates.  The reason we mention this, as yoga is a way to expand and grow, sometimes what is actually needed is to strengthen what we already have – Pilates.

If we go back to what Lisa has shared in her gardening blogs (Tomorrows Garden) https://lifebalancestudio.co.uk/category/uncategorised/  a flower won’t grow if it does not have the strength. There is also more information in our article “The reality of yoga part 4). https://lifebalancestudio.co.uk/to-understand-yoga-study-the-garden-the-reality-of-yoga-part-4/

A flower will not grow if it does not have the strength.   A flower will not grow if it does not have all it needs.  A happy and healthy root reflects in the flower. All words we have written before but today will add on to the knowledge that we have already shared.

Are our Hearts strong Enough?

Let us be completely honest, we can try all day to open the heart through yoga pose but its not going to happen.  Anyone who thinks they can open another’s chakra is barking up the wrong tree, just as we cannot force a flower to open.

Our Hearts Unfold from Within

So how do we strengthen the heart?  Before we read any further let us have a little reminder to set the scene. https://lifebalancestudio.co.uk/the-yoga-of-corinthians/ Now that we have read the article, we can all see that strengthening the heart can be practiced anywhere.  The tougher tests when we are suffering, hurting or angry.

Strengthen the Heart

Why are our thoughts important when strengthening the Heart?  Very simply the heart is an Instrument of Love.  It is not an organ of Hate and Anger.  When we have negative or angry thoughts, not only do we damage ourselves via vibration (organs and instruments create vibrations). By now all our readers know, “what we send out comes back double”. This is the same when we hurt ourselves, are hard ourselves, think unkindly of ourselves.

Our Hearts create OUR Reality. Think with the Heart

For those who regularly read our articles, we should start connecting some of the articles together as this will increase our spiritual knowledge.  To set us on our way, reread the articles on the pigeon and swan poses. We can find them here. https://lifebalancestudio.co.uk/category/yoga/   The song comes to mind “build a little birdhouse in your soul”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn_or9gEB6g    As the heart is the Organ of Love it is also the Harp of Forgiveness.  Get it yet!

Our Hearts create Peace.

Again, being honest with ourselves, is more important that we may realise.   If we do not practice or try to use any aspects of love or forgiveness (we will call it Corinthians for now but it has another name).  Why would standing in a yoga pose, make any difference.  Our hearts create the energy fields around our bodies.  We know this as the aura, this reflects in part, our feelings and emotions (again this is another huge subject).  If we are walking around in a bubble of anger, lack of self-worth, pain and suffering, how do we perceive the world around us?

“If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forward will destroy you”.

Life, the outside world, war, violence, relationships, money, health are a few that affect our interaction, reality, and perception of this planet. Many fear death, the extermination of their existence, question their existence, are lost, lonely or hurting.  Suffering, sadness and angry.  Others question why they are here, why me, what have I done, I don’t want this life. I, we, want a better life.  We can find the answers that change our perception.

Healing comes from the Heart.

What we would like to share is that when we hear the heart in a different way.  The spiritual way, we can change many things in our lives for the better.  https://lifebalancestudio.co.uk/yoga-diamonds-and-bananas/  We can also improve the lives of others that are around us!

The answer is at our centre, the medicine is within. 

We can all find it if we try.

Regardless of our physical situation we can always find encouragement.

Ever wondered what we are really being told in Yoga when they say create space?

Create space – Create Peace – Peace comes from the Heart.

We wish you all unity with your spirits.

Healing Days


Self Healing Group

Crosby Library

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