Understanding the Iris
The understandings we will share with you regarding Yoga are very different. Yoga can give us so much more if we care to look, it can literally make life so much easier to cope with regarding what ever challenges we all may face.
So keeping with our gardening theme, we are sharing a key to unlock certain thoughts and to teach a way of looking at things differently.
Remember when we look at something it changes.
So for those using Yoga as a spiritual path, why is the Iris so important ??? This is a key understanding and like our jigsaws we have to think about things and try and place it ! https://lifebalancestudio.co.uk/chess-and-yoga/
So just like any good mystery we will throw in another factor for all our readers to think about.
The Iris and Chess go hand in hand.
We will leave you all with a clue and that is ” we need to understand ourselves before we can move forward”.
Understanding the Iris
If you wish to learn more about these subjects then why not join Lisa for a 1-1 or class https://lifebalancestudio.co.uk/yoga-and-pilates-sessions-with-lisa/ or at Absolute where she teaches. https://www.absoluteyogacrosby.co.uk/
You can also come and ask any questions that you have on our next “Day of Healing” at Crosby Library. https://lifebalancestudio.co.uk/healing-days/
We wish you unity with your spirits.