Overcoming Death
Picture courtesy of Szabolcs Toth
One of the things we seem to talk a lot about on our healing days and appointments is death. For many this creates much terror and fear, the pain of loss or separation. We can talk till the cows come home that death is not the end but unless we believe the fear will remain. For those of our readers who wish to look a different way, understand differently. The following article will discuss overcoming death.
A good way to understand the doorway of death is learn what death is from the perspective of the spirit within. Those of our yoga followers, our whole practice is based on reconnecting to our spirits. All our poses, shapes or symbols that we perform are to bring balance and realign spirit to the physical body.
We need to ask, what is the spirit within? We will keep it simple it is the God consciousness within each and every one of us. It is what animates the physical body upon the first breath and returns us home to the spirit on our final breath.
There are those who would now say we are talking nonsense, and this is ok. We never want anyone to take something unless they are 100% happy with what we have shared. However, this being said learning about our own spirit and the spirit world will change how we think and feel about moving on to the next step in our journeys.
There is a great clip in the film “Meet Joe Black”.
If we have watched the clip, we know that death is from the next place. It is only the mechanism to facilitate our return to where we all come from. It is nothing to be feared.
This may seem farfetched to many but sometimes the steps we need to take to understand this need to be smaller. The reason for this is in life there are many lessons to be learnt and completed before the next step appears. Learning, understanding and practicing spiritual knowledge is the same. It is done in small steps.
Overcoming Death
It may be the death of a loved one is what leads us to learn about our own spirits. The spirit worlds and how spirit interacts with the physical world. Learning about our own spirits can help us make sense of the chaos in this world.
All of the team have written about death but what we always convey is that we are always reunited with those who we love. When we are reunited there is no separation in time, as time does not exist in the spirit.
Any suffering or damage to the physical body is lifted off as discarding an outer shell- yes just like an envelope. The spirit within perfect, the etheric double unblemished by life and time on this planet. Any misery that we have undergone while here is compensated with love, beauty and evolvement of our own soul.
Spiritual law, our heavenly mother and father always make up for any injustice we have suffered. All that is lost is returned, reunited, union, yoga. Our heavenly father and mother always return what has been stolen from us.
Overcoming Death
While on earth our physical bodies are the vessel for our spirit. How we treat our own bodies, our religions if any, cultures, thoughts and values all impact on how we negotiate planet earth.
Understanding the spirit within allows us to bypass that which disconnects us, makes things harder, creates anger and hate. Sorrow and fear of death fall away and allows us to live. Learning about the spirit within introduces us to many new understandings of the word love.
Let the heart teach and death will become a beautiful golden door waiting to be opened.
Below are a selection of articles written by the team that may be of help. Our next Day of Healing is on Saturday the 2nd of November 2024 at Crosby library. If you think any of our articles will help someone please share.
Death and Grief- Paul-The Enlightened Mind