Pigeon or Swan what is the difference
When we look at poses, when we give poses a name, what are we actually doing? If we assign a name to a pose, we can attract vibrations, a chain of thought but that line of thought may be completely different or not what the pose is telling us. So, Pigeon or Swan what is the difference?
Along with health benefits, each yoga pose has specific qualities to help us deal with life here on earth. What we mean by that, is that they have deeper teachings which can free us from pain and suffering and to look at things in a way that allows us to circumnavigate problems in life, so that they do not impact on us as much as they can.
It is only when we use our yoga in a different way, an older way that we can begin to tap into these teachings.
So what is the difference between swan and the pigeon pose?
How can a physical pose help us? The physical pose is only an aspect of something far bigger, we can read about the differences being the time in a pose. The truth of the matter is, that poses once learnt are to be held for our life time on earth. How can that be possible? a pose is a concept that teaches us from within and of course we cannot always hold a concept in our mind but becomes a guiding principle.
Christmas Spirit is an excellent example, its all in thoughts, deeds and action.
There many things around us that can help us understand yoga in a better way, so todays article is to open thought in those who read it. No right or wrongs but to look at the steps we have taken (clue there). Once we have felt the benefits from the understandings of the poses no one will ever be able to tell us any different. The yoga begins to do its job and teaches from within, helps us to reflect, and allow things from the past that have caused pain to slip away.
The difference is all in the feet or should we say Webbed or Claws.
The feet can be a great way to interpret the world around you and the messages we get can be different if we are webbed or clawed, how that information is channelled up through body is dependant on the sensors we have underneath us. Both have pros and cons and influence the mind and life in different ways.
Webbed feet in this weeks snow

But….there are deeper meanings.
Pigeon or Swan what is the difference
Many may assume the Swan is the higher path but this would be misleading, some may believe the pigeon is lower without understanding the importance of our little friends. Although there are many similarities, the feet of the birds show us the different paths, however we cannot walk both at the same time!
We need explanation
If we are not aware of the qualities of each pose then we may make our choices incorrectly. We may have adverse reactions, but to understand we need to look at ourselves. There are many levels of understandings for each bird. At times we may need to be like a homing pigeon, or the resolve of the swan to steer through troubled waters.
Unless we understand what is below us, we may bring forward interference by ill suited vibrations, we have selected the wrong pose!
There are so many connections that many are unaware of, how many of our readers can see the connections to the mountain pose? What about the the yoga of chess?https://lifebalancestudio.co.uk/chess-and-yoga/ You will find many of the answers in our articles that have already been written and not all about yoga.
The understandings of swan and pigeon are important lessons and once unlocked and understood will begin to open knowledge of other poses. This knowledge will not be found in any book it will be given from the quiet teacher, the peaceful warrior.
No need for tears, just understanding.
As always we will give our readers some things to ponder on and there are lots of connections. The swan or webbed foot is designed for travel through water, the claw is designed for grip and carrying things through the air.
It would be helpful to understand how webbed feet help a swan land in water, take off and move, how would this hinder or help the pigeon. These are important questions as once we understand what is below, we will understand what is above.
Question: How do we ground in water or in the air?
Do we need to consider the elements?
Do we need to stay afloat or fly away?
Can we land a plane without the wheels down?
We have given pieces for you all to connect, we suggest reading the article “the Yoga of St. Francis” the link is below. We would like all our readers to look at the above pictures or the “Impressions in the snow“. Really look and see the connections as once we understand the feet we may begin to understand how yoga changes us for the better, but be warned, sometimes yoga can bring out the worst in us, completely opposite to what its intention is.
Remember when we look at something it changes!
We will leave you all to look but if you would like to know more about this subject then please come and speak with us on our “Day of Healing on the 15th of April at Crosby Library 10am-2pm”. You will be able to meet Maureen, Paul, Rachael, John, Lisa and others from the team, all there to offer help and support.
If you wish to join Lisa for a yoga class then get in touch: https://lifebalancestudio.co.uk/yoga-and-pilates-sessions-with-lisa/. You can also find Lisa at Absolute yoga in Crosby. https://www.absoluteyogacrosby.co.uk/
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and remember if you need help or know someone that needs help or chat, or just a cuppa and laugh then please bring them to our day. All our time and any help given is completely free.